Far Out With Faust (FOWF)

Why Modern Christians Don’t Understand the Bible | Brandon Kroll

• Far Out With Faust • Season 2 • Episode 33

Alternative historian and researcher Brandon Kroll beams in to discuss the truth about the Anunnaki, the Nephilim, and the influence of numerology conspiracies on modern society, religion and geopolitics on episode 160 of the Far Out with Faust podcast.

📺 This is Brandon’s second appearance on the podcast. Check out Episode 99, The Power of the Vatican and Secret Societies https://youtu.be/-aguff_i8rY?si=GmPe-b01wsmMp1zP

In this episode, Faust once again probes Brandon’s extensive historical knowledge, this time with a focus on religion and current world events. Topics include:

•How many mainstream Christians don’t understand the history, context and meaning of the Bible
•The origin and role of the Annunaki on ancient civilizations — were they really “aliens”?
•How alien races have been seeding the human race
•The role of the Freemasons in infiltrating and influencing secret societies and major religions
•How Jesus' teachings continue to shape Western ethics and morals
•Are modern Christians misinterpreting or ignoring Jesus’ call for self-sacrifice?
•What are chakras and Kundalini energy — are they forces for good?
•The surprising truth about the pagan origins of the Christmas tree and the pinecone’s connection to Nimrod
•What does the Book of Genesis have to do with the current genocide in Gaza?
•How do Biblical and religious narratives help shape the Israeli–Palestinian conflict?
•Who were the Nephilim, and what impact did this giant race have on human history?
•How have “daemons” — spirit beings in biblical texts — persisted in modern technocracy?
•Does the Bible really talk about God’s “chosen people”? Who are they?
•Examples of the rampant occult symbolism pervasive throughout Hollywood
•Is the Vatican preparing Catholics and other Christians for extraterrestrial disclosure?
•Why are books like the Talmud and the Protocols of the Elders of Zion forbidden?

…and much more!

👉CONNECT with Brandon Kroll

đź“ş Watch our other show with Brandon: The Power of the Vatican and Secret Societies (Ep. 99)

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