Far Out With Faust (FOWF)

How Extraterrestrials Will Help Save Humanity | Robert Potter

Season 2 Episode 32

ET contactee, lightworker and Venusian messenger Robert Potter  @victorytothelight   beams in to discuss alien races on Earth and how extraterrestrials will help save humanity on episode 159 of the Far Out with Faust podcast.

This is Robert’s second appearance on the podcast. Check out his first show, Extraterrestrial Contact: Venusians and Pleiadians Among Us (Ep. 138) https://youtu.be/YZUjzKHZdFE?si=a70Och1_YaOWoBKb

Robert is a world-renowned expert on the Venusian civilization and has experienced many episodes of direct physical contact with Venusian and Pleiadian extraterrestrials from a young age. In this episode, he shares their messages with humankind. Topics include:

•What message do the Venusians and Pleiadians have for humans on Earth?

•How the Venusians have shared advanced teleportation technology with humans

•How alien races have been seeding the human race

•The role of the Annunaki and Reptilian Draconians in the domination of the human race

•How nefarious alien races seeded the bloodlines of the human elites

•Are the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers aliens?

•Did President Eisenhower meet with aliens?

•Signs that the forces for good have prevailed

•Predictions about the coming Earth crisis

•What is the true source of environmental danger on Earth

•Is the government preparing for a nuclear-induced pole shift?

•Should we be afraid of AI?

•Why corporations and the government are destined to fail

•What are the real consequences of nuclear weapons development

•How humans can reclaim our power and sovereignty

•What can every person do to raise our vibration to save humanity?

…and much more!

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