Far Out With Faust (FOWF)

The Nazi-Zionist Connection | Gavin Nascimento

Red Pill Unplugged Season 4 Episode 32

Research historian, data analyst and conspiracy realist Gavin Nascimento  @GavinNascimento delves further into the covert connection between Germany’s Third Reich, the exploitation of Jews, and the Zionist colonization of Palestine on episode 154 of the Far Out with Faust podcast.

*This is the latest installment of our episodes with Gavin detailing the complicated and often-misunderstood history of Israel. Be sure to check out parts 1, 2 and 3 (links below).*

A veteran of the show (check out episode 79), Gavin has earned a reputation among some of the most prominent truth seekers of our time, like Joe Rogan and Billy Carson (episode 90). He’s known for his relentless research and meticulous attention to detail and has spent over a decade uncovering historical truths through verifiable sources. He’s the author of A History of Elitism, World Government & Population Control, as well as a host of compelling essays featured on The Free Thought Project (episode 118).

In this episode, Gavin exposes the documented relationship between the WWII-era German government, war profiteering industrialists like the Rothschilds and the Warburgs, and the geopolitical manipulation that led to the creation of Israel. Topics include:

-Zionist and Nazi political and economic cooperation to get Jew into Palestine
-Impact of the geopolitical outcome of WWI on the rise of Hitler and eugenic policies
-Influence of the American eugenics movement on Third Reich ideology
-Rothschild family influence in the establishment of Israel
-Rothschild and Warburg family financial and political support for Germany during WWII
-Importance of the Rothschild’s Royal Dutch Shell to fueling the Nazi war machine
-How the Rothschild family helped create Israel’s Knesset and Supreme Court
-Paul Warburg’s creation of the Federal Reserve and his family’s ties to Hitler’s Germany
-Edsel Ford and the Ford Motor Company’s support in ramping up the German war machine
-Walter Teagle and Standard Oil’s contribution to Nazi Germany
-Rockefeller family ties to WWII Germany
-IG Farben’s crucial role in Germany’s post WWI economic resurgence

…and much more! For further exploration into this topic, check out our related episodes below.

Check out Gavin’s book on Amazon
A History of Elitism, World Government & Population Control https://a.co/d/go5nae1

Connect with Gavin Nascimento
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/GavinNascimento
YouTube: https://youtube.com/c/GavinNascimento
Instagram: https://instagram.com/truthwarriorgavin
Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/gavin.nascimento

Check out our related episodes
The Truth About Israel Pt. 1 (ep. 130): https://youtu.be/KSCU3IxjM54
The Truth About Israel Pt. 2 (ep. 131 ): https://youtu.be/KSCU3IxjM54
How the Rothschilds Conquered Palestine (ep. 152): https://youtu.be/Fet17FuH5zs?si=eu59JorjsdV_XL4j
Gavin Nascimento (ep. 79): https://youtu.be/_rr-QiuTIxM?si=rhhdKY3V0C6kxvX9
Billy Carson (ep. 90): https://youtu.be/boZMIE-p30I 
Jason Bassler (ep. 118): https://youtu.be/rk-UNM1QgPg?si=aODhwSyGoNharzaF

#Podcast #Israel #Palestine

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